My trip to the Aichi World Expo begins with the U.S pavillion. Because all the awesome pavillions filled up before I even got there, I had to settle for an entire day of visiting pavillions in the so-called "Global Commons". These pavillions are basically extravagant tourism advertisements. My home country did manage to interest me somewhat with a pretty decent show. However, I had two problems with it. First, I had to wait 40mins on line to visit my own country's pavillion, and when I finally got towards the end of the line, some of the employees were all "Dude, you should have said something earlier. We would have snuck you in from the back." Thanks for nothing. Second, I was saddened to see that the major invention that we showcased was the friggin' Segway. All the pavillion employees were riding them around as if to say "Hey, look at us lazy Americans. Walking is just way too much work, so we had to invent something to carry our fat asses around at 10mph. Great job, guys.

A glorified scooter... indeed.
11:13 PM, August 18, 2005
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