Monday, August 01, 2005
Previous Posts
- Going counter-clockwise, there's Kayoko, Chiako, s...
- Today was Aki's birthday, and instead of a cake we...
- Suda sensei, my classmates, and I posing for someo...
- "You got a problem, bitch? Yeah... thought so."
- It's amazing what these puppeteers are able to mak...
- Yours truly with one of the Bunraku puppets and it...
- Suda-sensei and I at the Bunraku Theater. He's my ...
- Today I had a class trip to the National Bunraku T...
- I found this in front of a Pachinko parlor in Saka...
- A view of the Kofun from atop a skyscraper in Saka...
Everytime I see a V-sign, I can't help but think of Vash the Stampede doing his "Love and Peace" routine. I think it's cute when girls do it, and as for guys... well what's the alternative? an equally cliche'd American thumbs-up? S'all good.
11:50 PM, August 01, 2005
V-sign with your tongue in the middle would be hot!
11:53 PM, August 01, 2005
You jokers prob. havn't seen my comment from a previous post yet so here it is.
"Nobu can't speak English. I'm Japanese too, but at least I know how to use prepositions like "to".
As for TexanTommyTheDestroyer, if you're Japanese then I'm embarrassed that you’re part of my race. Fuckin’ pussy. If you’re so sensitive to those stupid comments, then why don’t you go wipe your wet vagina, you crybaby. Oh, and Alex, you shouldn’t have posted your blog link for these idiots. You’re still a moron for fucking up your Japanese in a public place, though. You and Nobu should go study together."
1:16 AM, August 04, 2005
Oh, and for Alex's learning benefit, "jumping to hasty conclusions" is
making assumptions of/about things
a judgemental person is 判断(はんだん)するの人。You can use a ような in there before the noun if you want.
1:45 AM, August 04, 2005
if you think that you can nitpick sentences and then rant about what dicks everyone else are then you're dumber than you sound. Who are you trying to impress?
As for "race", look it up yourself: "A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: ie. the German race." I guess I should have clearified that you're a disgrace to the human race, let alone white or asian people or whatever-the-fuck freak you are.
As I see it, this whole thing started with you butting your fag face into someone else's blog, seeing a comment you didn't like, shitting your pants about it and then bitching about how those statements downgraded a culture. Scum like you use any excuse to put down others. What's the matter, trying to compensate for your own shortcoming? Maybe you got so buttfucked in Osaka yourself that you now feel like shitting on others.
You're nothing but a faceless creep who gets off of being a jackass retard. Nothing you say to this guy Alex, his friend Tom, or me will matter in the future. You're a nobody -- a fucking loser getting a few laughs in on some blog. At least that guy Alex was smart and honorable enough to offer an apology and admit his mistakes. You're the lowest common denominator: a virtual psychopath. Get a life, turd-blossom.
3:15 AM, August 04, 2005
LOL Texan, if Alex could stop getting owned online for long enough, he might be able to head to law school and eventually get owned in a court room. seems he just got his first lesson on your blog.
1:35 PM, August 04, 2005
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